Thursday, November 25, 2010

Helloooo cyberworld!

I haven't blogged in a while, but since I've got some time, I'm gonna try to maintain it this time. :p

Okay so today is work day for me. I have to get started making my dress for my Clothing Construction 2 subject. The challenge for this project is that we have to make a cohesive line as a group. And oh yeah, we're only allowed to use jersey and denim as our materials. Talk about challenging. But I've done a little research, and I'm starting on it now. My denim is currently being soaked in bleach, so I blog as I wait. I'm not gonna reveal our theme just yet, but I promise to update!

Will post pictures soon. I promise. Oh and if you know where I can find a model please do contact me. Text me, or twitter me or facebook me. Whichever works for you. Thanks! :)

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